September 07, 24


Let’s be real for a second… We’ve all had to deal with smelly armpits at some point in our lives and maybe you’re still struggling with it! While body odour can be unpleasant or embarrassing , there are ways to alleviate it or eliminate it completely!

The good news is you’re not alone in this. Throughout history, people have always looked for ways to manage body odour and stay fresh, dating back to the ancient Greeks and Egyptians, to the first deodorant ever invented in the 1800s.

We’ve put together our own guide to take you through the causes of smelly armpits, remedies, tips, and more!


Ever wondered what causes the strong odour to come out of your armpits? It’s quite simple. Contrary to popular belief, sweat is not the main cause of bad body odour; it’s bacteria! Bacteria thrive in moist, air-restricted areas of your body – and they love it there. Armpits (as well as other body parts) contain eccrine glands, which the body uses to secrete sweat and promote heat loss through evaporation.

Your diet can have a huge impact on your body odour. Harvard Medical School stated that certain vegetables, alcohol, and even seafood can contribute to making your armpits sweatier and smellier. 

Wearing synthetic fibres (like nylon, polyester, and spandex) does not directly impact your body smell, but it helps capture bacteria and retain the bad odour they secrete. The University of Alberta in Canada conducted research that revealed why it’s harder to get the smell out of polyester. This synthetic fibre is non-polar, which, even though it helps repel water, naturally attracts oil and bacteria from our bodies. This build-up of bacteria can make your favourite gym T-shirt smell bad, even after multiple washes!


We’re going to start with the main essential: a good deodorant that works. Deodorants target bad bodily odours without blocking your sweat glands. This means you might sweat, but the ingredients in the deodorant should stop you from smelling. The deodorant you choose must protect and nourish your skin, which is why we advise avoiding antiperspirants.

Our recommendation is… AKT! 

But really! The Deodorant Balm is the UK’s most-awarded deodorant for a reason. Our formula with odour busting Deo-Barrier Complex™ is natural and helps absorb perspiration so you feel fresh and dry ALL DAY – without blocking your pores or staining your clothes. It also helps protect your skin with its nourishing ingredients. So you can say sayonara to really smelly armpits, and hello to all-day confidence.


If you wake up with smelly armpits or struggle with getting rid of the odour, no need to worry! Here are some easy practical tips:

  • Maintain quality hygiene every day. We recommend showering every day. A basic but essential way of avoiding bacteria accumulation. Cleansing your skin is also a practical essential!  Try our Body Wash Concentrate!
  • Avoid certain foods. Red meat, garlic, onion, and cruciferous veggies can contribute to body odour.
  • Reduce alcohol consumption. Alcohol can influence your body smell, as it gets metabolised into acetic acid, which is released through your skin pores and breath.
  • Trim/Shave your armpits regularly. Hair traps bacteria more easily, thus causing odour. So give your pits a trim!
  • Wear natural fabrics. Cotton, wool, and silk allow your skin to breathe easier and lower the bacteria count.

Change and wash your clothes regularly. This is essential to avoid bacteria accumulation. Get a good detergent and pop it on a hot wash for gym clothes.


    While practising good hygiene can aid in containing odour, there are also some remedies you can use to improve it!

    • Coconut Oil: This easy-to-find ingredient limits the growth of bacteria and makes you smell good. This is a key ingredient in AKT deodorant balms. 
    • Baking Soda: This acts against the natural acids in your skin, reducing armpit smell and absorbing bad odours. It’s a great ingredient in natural deodorants, like AKT. And contrary to popular belief, it is safe to use on sensitive skin. 
    • Apple Cider Vinegar: This is acidic, which effectively destroys bacteria. Diluted with water and sprayed onto the underarms of your clothing before washing, it’ll help prevent bad odour build-up on fabrics.

    Smelling good and feeling great IS possible. Try any of these remedies at home or simply use AKT! Our natural deodorant balm will have you coming back for more.


    Written by AKT London