January 19, 23

The Applicator - How to use our Gua Sha inspired self care tool

Let’s be honest, January is no one’s favourite month of the year. It’s dark and dreary, making days feel like weeks and after all of the anticipation of Christmas and lead up to the new year, January can feel quite underwhelming for some. 

If you’re feeling like this, during any month of the year, we suggest spending some time focussing on YOU. Yes, you. You deserve happiness, even in the little things. Spending some quality time to appreciate yourself and prioritise your happiness can be key to setting the tone!

Here at AKT, we suggest adding small everyday rituals that you’ll look forward to. For example, applying deodorant to your underarms can seem like such a mundane, everyday task. But, by applying with The Applicator, you can offer your body a whole host of benefits!

For those who don’t know, The Applicator is our brass self-care tool inspired by the Chinese practice of Gua Sha. Whilst we love applying The Natural Deodorant Balm with our fingers, a lot of people may find this technique slightly unnatural at first.

That’s why we created The Applicator as a multi-use tool to not only apply the deodorant to your underarms, but to act as a massage tool as well! Using simple and gentle strokes against your chest, neck and underarms, The Applicator can help relieve tension, boost immunity and increase blood circulation around the skin. 

How to AKT:

Step 1:

Using the long curved edge of The Applicator, place the tool at the centre of your chest. Applying slight pressure, gently stroke towards your underarm. Repeat this step on both sides 8-10 times.

Step 2:

Place the long curved edge of the tool against your inner arm by your elbow. Stroke 8-10 times towards your underarm. Repeat this on both arms.

Step 3:

Place the tool against your jawline and gently stroke The Applicator down your neck 8-10 to help relieve stress induced tension. Repeat this on both sides. 

These exercises should only take up five minutes of your morning or evening! Implementing these types of self-care rituals into your routine is a simple way to take good care of your body and mind (your body is a temple right?).


Written by AKT London